Welcome to our website shestakov-mironova.com!
We present here our art works – pieces created with our love, inspiration, skills and enthusiasm. You find there our graphic works, painting, jewelry design and accessories.
We dedicated our works to our father, Alexander Shestakov, russian and soviet artist, teacher of Art academy, who always taught us to see beautiful and interesting things everywhere around us. He taught us enjoy the beauty and at the same time do something to protect and increase it. He passed away some years before, our father, but his lessons and wisdom remain in our hearts and we try to realise them in our life and creativity.
And also we dedicate our works to our mother, Nadezhda, person, who always believes in us, supports us with her love, patience, good advises and who together with our father did much to giving us motivation to go on these not easy but wonderful way to the world of beauty, inspiration, joy and love, to the world of art and design.
Thank you to our parents and to our beloved families with whom we are sharing our life and our love to create.
Brother and sister,
Michail Shestakov and Elena Mironova.